Last activity:
Dec 22, 2014
Jul 8, 2012
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my mommie

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Prominent Member, Male, from my mommie

Scratch dat, I missed my 666 b-day, now I'll have to wait till 700 :) May 10, 2014

ErikRodhi was last seen:
Dec 22, 2014
    1. Johnayy
      Erik I am banned from EMC! Please try to convince BigDavie (The person who banned me) to unban me! Reply to this as soon as you can!
    2. ErikRodhi
      Nope just temp, but it does have more people and more excitment :3
    3. ben_taylor10
      have you moved Smp's fom 4 to 9
    4. ErikRodhi
      Why are you people looking at my profile?
    5. ErikRodhi
      Sup person looking at this!
      1. nfell2009 likes this.
    6. born8BIT
      sux to hear u were griefed, u are the 1st player i have met on here and glad we built that duplex to the west
    7. iCobruh
      and i wouldent of spent this time if i dint really! care about the mage mall and our friendship
    8. iCobruh
      stuff before this but i dont grief i just want to be a Owner or co-owner of a Mega mall cuse i think it is cool also i think u build very well that why i picked to be jr manager becuse i can build good and i saw that u Could build good so i wanted to help u gather and build stuff and watch how u build! I swear over my mothers grave i have never griefed u and never will!
    9. iCobruh
      Do u trust me? that i didnt grief that stuff if i made some of it that is just disrespetful why would i grief it if i made some of it and getting paid 1000 r from u just to provide wool and stuff and why would i not take all the stuff out of the shop chests and spend 4 days working with u and play at ur funhouse all the time also i would of alredy took stuff or griefed
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    my mommie