In this case, the winners, whoever they will be, do have to work for it. They need to beat people from their server to represent them to even get a chance to win. Then it's 9 (or 10 if Utopia counts... don't think so.) servers with the winners of the qualifying rounds versing off, all of which would be around the same skill level. This means that if they get 500k from selling their special rewards for winning, one, the collectors are the ones willing to pay that much and two, they care not for the sentimental value of a reward like that, which is a huge shame.
Perhaps next time, a catchier name? Empire Games possibly? EMC Games is not very catchy in my opinion.
In reality, it's both. There is no real name written on the side of the building, just my giant logo. Call it what you want. I haven't decided what will be on the medals yet anyways.
Consider it more like the mob arena sword. The players will have to compete for it. It's not being handed out freely. And as for the voting rewards/referral contest items, each of those people deserved their special item. Collectors who are upset about items being added that have value really need to relax. You will never own EVERY special item in the game. Why? Because we will ALWAYS be making more prizes. That's the point of them being special prizes/promos.
I'm not upset about it.. I just find it pretty overpowered that Bob1 can use 6 months on hes shop and hold it stocked and earn 300-500k on 6months of hardwork, and Bob2 can use 2 days and earn the same amount of rupees for being skilled/lucky in these coming events.
Noting how we should get a promo for being on TopG 7 days in a row soon, there's the proof. What fun would collecting be if there were 3 items to collect? Real collectors like more and more stuff. I agree with Krysyy, you'll never get em all.
If it's such a problem that people are getting prizes, maybe instead of it being just a generic "1st Place in Pig Throwing" or whatever have it Personalized like trophies in real life so they can't sell it and everyone doesn't get all bent out of shape. Or just not give prizes...Everyone gets nothing and it's fair.
Haha, that's funny since I actually expected my post to be taken as "OMG PANDA Y U BE SO MEAN TO ME!? I AM NOT RAGING ABOUT THIS SITUATION!" by someone (there's always that one person) and I got 2 likes and your post.
Super excited for this! I've always wanted to be able to show off my jockey skills and I think an Empire Olympics is something we've all been looking forward to for a while.
krysyy you should do gold for first place iron for second and a brick for third that is how the medal system in minecraft works lol
Uh...Diamond would be first place, Gold Second, Iron 3rd. It's the closest we have to Gold Silver and Bronze I think. We do not have brick supporter...