The location of dragon eggs!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Rhyblet, Aug 19, 2012.

  1. Live Map shows the protected areas, but remember that the wild is low resolution; so it would be easier to physically travel lol
  2. [To the tune of frosty the snowman.]
    Justin the snowrobot, had a very frosty code
    With his square shaped eyes
    and his blocky nose
    with a body made of snow...

    If I'm guessing the location of the egg wrong then I'm going to look like a total idiot...
    SecretAznEks likes this.
  3. I found it haha =P

    And Jack is sayin' something :)
    marknaaijer and JackBiggin like this.
  4. Lol, I really like that hint. :D
  5. I know where the SMP5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and Utopia eggs are.
    There all in IcecreamCow's stomach. He ate the Ender Dragon and it's egg before releasing the servers too the public.
    EDIT: You can tell this is not fake because there is a sandwich here. Your argument is invalid.

    marknaaijer likes this.
  6. You are wrong with utopia. Utopia egg is owned by Robot_chicken_66
    pat2011 and chickeneer like this.
  7. And IcecreamCow gave birth to Robot_Chicken_66. This is also proof that the egg came first.
    marknaaijer, chickeneer and pat2011 like this.
  8. Utopia is one of the "original" servers. Not the first one, but falls under that category
  9. :3
  10. Realllyy.jpg
  11. Wow, I didn't know that Cows gve birth do chickens :O
  12. Does anyone know the res numbers of where the dragon eggs are located?
  13. Utopia egg is at 1111 - Smp1
    Smp4 egg is at 11240 - Smp5
    Smp2 egg is at brettskiiii' vault or chest
    Smp3 egg is probly at Phoc' vault
    Smp1 egg is at ignoramoose' residence, I can't remember the number :(

    [EDIT] Smp1 egg is located at smp2, Iknow that for sure :p
  14. Sorry for being Captain Obvious... Your comeback was pitiful - are you saying that because IcC ate the Utopia Dragon Egg and he gave birth to Robot_Chicken_66; Since Robot_Chicken_66 owns the Dragon Egg - then it was remanifested and given birth by Robot_Chicken_66...

    SO let me rephrase

    IcC eats the Dragon Eggs, Gives Birth to Robot_Chicken_66, Then out of Robot_Chicken pops that same Dragon Egg that IcC ate... Illogical
    penfoldex likes this.
  15. Thank you Captain Anlytical.
    P.S: Do you hate me? It sounds like you do.
  16. You just trolled me so bad, I was already 5k blocks out searching like a mad man for it.
    BeKaLuSa likes this.
  17. Went to all of those res that I could.
    Could only find Xandrow's, so the rest must be in chests or something.
  18. No I don't just hate you, Call me Mr. Misanthrope
  19. *starts slow clapping*
    dylan_frenette likes this.
  20. Poker.jpg
    I see.