The location of dragon eggs!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Rhyblet, Aug 19, 2012.

  1. leowaste has one on smp2... i think its utopia's...
  2. Utopia: Robot_Chicken_66
    Smp1: Ignoramoose
    Smp2: Bretskiiii
    Smp3: Phoc (The egg is now missing)
    Smp4: Xandrow (Wow that's me)
  3. Wow, there's a lot of speculation on these.

    There were originally 6 dragon eggs. SMP1, SMP2, two SMP3 (dispute over who deserved it), SMP4, and utopia.

    Robot_chicken66 has utopia's.
    Xandrow (though he might sell it back to me) has SMP4's
    Krysyyjane9191 (my girlfriend) and I have SMP1's
    Brettskiii has SMP2's egg.

    The SMP3 eggs are assumed to have been lost, either due to the players leaving that owned them, or their stuff being reset.
  4. Phoc' egg was missing before his residence got resetted. Can you remember I was asking about that egg before I bought smp4' from you? I checked his residence that day, and the egg wasnt there, and the res was owned by Phoc at that time :)
  5. I know what happened to that dragon egg, then what happened to the first dragon egg? lol
  6. Leo didnt have 2?
  7. Hmm, I don't know why I thought he did... Shows how little I know lol
  8. =P
  9. There is another egg in existance, it was spawned though, and was never won in a battle with the dragon. ;)
  10. Who owns it?
  11. It isn't owned by anyone, it is sitting on a modest pedastal in the wild on one of the servers. ;)
    KrisJR91 likes this.
  12. In unexplored turf or explored turf?
  13. One of the easter eggs?
    shaunwhite1982 likes this.
  14. That will take alot of time to find it, but this will be a great idea for event :eek:
    Manglex likes this.
  15. It is rather cold where this egg resides, any further clues would make it too easy.

    It is only for display though, it isn't claimable by anyone as it is in a protected area.
    SecretAznEks, Manglex and chickeneer like this.
  16. Oh, I remember that...

    Hint everybody: it is part of one of the Easter Eggs when the wild was reset the last time. If I remember right - I think it is owned by an inanimate object.
  17. i never could figure out which server...
  18. I don't remember either... But if I could get on the servers... I would be able to find it before to long.
  19. Hmm, I might try to livemap it haha. I wanna seee that egg :)
  20. Wait does livemap not show protected areas?