The last too comment on this thread wins

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Eclipce, Sep 26, 2018.


Am I annoying?

No 27 vote(s) 17.8%
Very 13 vote(s) 8.6%
Not really 9 vote(s) 5.9%
Yes 15 vote(s) 9.9%
A little 6 vote(s) 3.9%
Who are you? 70 vote(s) 46.1%
I told you to go away 12 vote(s) 7.9%
  1. I have alts.
    Hunter2002YT likes this.
  2. You do but I don't.
    Hunter2002YT likes this.
  3. That's a shame
    Hunter2002YT likes this.
  4. Maybe
    Hunter2002YT likes this.
  5. I'd say it is >w< everyone should have an alt :3
    Hunter2002YT likes this.
  6. I know your alt :p
    Hunter2002YT likes this.
  7. Do you? Which one? ;)
    Hunter2002YT likes this.
  8. Check the Leaderboard :p
    Hunter2002YT likes this.
  9. Heheh yes one of my alts is on there, but not within the top 5
    Hunter2002YT likes this.
  10. It's not about it being within the top 5, its about it being there while farming to make your main earn XP faster :p
    Hunter2002YT likes this.
  11. This is true, the XP share is way OP in groups. X3
    Hunter2002YT likes this.
  12. Yeah :D wish you luck :)
    Hunter2002YT likes this.
  13. Thanks :) I'm not grinding atm though :eek:
    Hunter2002YT likes this.
  14. Hello :D
    Hunter2002YT and Joy_the_Miner like this.
  15. Hi Falloot, nice to see you online again! ^^
    Hunter2002YT likes this.
  16. You are making a difference xD