XP farm?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Capt_Bill_1st, Apr 2, 2017.

  1. I have my Res on smp1, just wondering if there is an​ XP farm in the area...? Armor, tools and weapons take a long time to mend with a AFK fish farm... Thanks for the help gang.

    Captain Bill
  2. for mending I have found villager tradeing quicker then farms on EMC just need 2 farmers and your set
    Capt_Bill_1st likes this.
  3. Ok, thank you, I will look into that.
  4. Capt_Bill_1st and BenMA like this.
  5. use the gold farm on smp5 it is great :D
    Capt_Bill_1st likes this.