Water updates

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by TheFryedmans, Aug 8, 2018.

  1. Won't emc lag from water updates from there being alot of water

    And should I place my water now than in 1.13
  2. what i dont understand?
  3. Are you asking if farms will stop working in effect of 1.13 and questioning for a grandfather effect? If that's what your asking i believe they're may be one but anything your making now i would say make it 1.13 compatible just to be safe
  4. I have fixed the text now stupid auto correct
    ForeverMaster likes this.
  5. It does not matter when you place water.
    While there are performance issues with water in 1.13, they have nothing to do with old worlds being converted for 1.13+.


    Mojang is likely aware of this issue; SciCraft reported today that flowing water in today's snapshot, 18w32a, is slightly more optimized than it is in 1.13.0.
  6. I mean I don't think any farms should break except maybe automatic fish farms? although I'm not even sure of those now.
  7. PetezzaDawg likes this.
  8. 23 seconds in he starts with the mob farm and says its lagy because of water updates I think
  9. Yes, I watched a minute ahead for the answer.

    Water, as a Minecraft block, is not inherently lag-y. If it was, oceans would be crashing the game. What TangoTek and Gnembon mean by water causing a lot of lag in is ONLY in the context of Gnembon's mob farm design in Minecraft 1.13.0. This performance issue is supposedly being addressed in 1.13.1. Dynamic flowing water has not been as lag-y in 1.12 as Tango and Gnembon have shown. It is likely due to another performance bug in 1.13.0 which Mojang is actively making efforts to patch.

    In short, don't worry. MC 1.13.on EMC is still weeks away; by then Mojang should have released 1.13.1 or a 1.13.x which fixes 1.13.0's lag-y flowing water.