Void Inc.

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by HanaY, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. We present...

    Void Inc.

    a company made by Princebee, IceFirepb, TheHedorn and Mezzer01!
    We have a Shop At Mezzer01's Res, and a Casino at IceFirepb's Res!
    We need some people to help us, so Please Apply here

    Any Alt IGNs:
    Been Banned/Kicked:
    If So, Why:
    For How Long:
    What do you want from this:
    is this Volunteering:
    Would you shop at our shop and go to our casino a lot:
    Job (Shop Builder, Casino Builder, Redstoner):

    Shop & Casino is not done, I will edit this when they are.
    we pay Rupees.
    We need A LOT of redstone experts. A. LOT.
    Acceptances will happen on Weekdays only.
  2. I would like to join as I am a pretty good with redstone but I have a couple of questions. What server is it on? And what do you do is it a shop or redstone contraption shop?
  3. Any Alt IGNs: nope, nope, nope
    Been Banned: yes
    If So, Why: griefing. and NEVER again
    For How Long: almost a week why i appealed
    What do you want from this: idunnoes
    is this Volunteering: ?
    Would you shop at our shop and go to our casino a lot: umm if ur hiring people to buy at your shop, then no cuz yeah...
    Job (Shop Builder, Casino Builder, Redstoner): redstoner. look at my name for heaven's sake!!!
  4. *Cough* Application *Cough*
  5. You sir, need to work out your application and sound professional.
    Amazin_Swordfish likes this.
  6. Any alts: Nope
    Been banned?: Kicked once
    What do you want from this?: an even bigger Redstone knowledge :).
    Is this volunteering:?
    Would you shop at our shop: Depends what smp it's on.
    Job: Redstoner/ Amateur builder
  7. Missing Why Kicked
  8. I don't know why though.
  9. I think it was something to do with me lagging and jumping of a building I think the server thought I was flying.
  10. Ah. Well, i got kicked once for supposedly hacking. (Minecraft Glitches... :()
  11. So am I accepted?
  12. Ya ur accepted also we also have a sports club at keldonhoff's residence
  13. Please Rephrase this post.
  14. Technologygeek has been accepted.