Villager Trade Items Needed For The Smp4 Project

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by VoiceOfTreason, Jul 1, 2013.

  1. Hey guys we have a new addition to the Sr Crew and they LOVE villager trading... Now means in the past we rarely ever did villager trading we have nothing for them to trade with :(... Trading materials, no matter what the quantity, is needed... of course larger quantities will make us VERY happy...

    For those of you who are not familiar with the trading items they are as followed
    *Any RAW Meat
    *Paper(Sugar cane Also accepted)
    *and Gold
    We don't expect anyone to give us things they need! We will gladly accept your leftovers :D:D

    A little bit of leftovers from every person means lots of trading!!!

    Please drop off at the donation center on smp4 at 8100!! Thank you :)