I have asked mods this question and they all have a different opinion: "Is it alright to steal things in the wild?" Some people say no, if its not yours dont take it. Others say yes, they should lock the chests and deal with the fact that the wild gets griefed. I dont know which is correct. I was hoping someone could resolve my problem. (If you consider this a dumb question please let me know politely dont refuse to help or get rude.) Thank you for your help, Confused Mincrafter, Jellypig1278
Anything you want you should keep in a locked chest because people will take anything from an unlocked chest; even though it is super rude to take things that don't belong to you.
Commandments 2. Thou Shalt Not Steal Do not steal from other players, even if you find an unlocked player chest in the wilderness or if you have container permissions on another players lot. If you are caught doing so you will permanently banned.
xD who isnt greifed in the wild? whether or not ur chest is locked, people still try to make you miserable if they find ur wilderness house...But its too tough on admins to just camp all day in the wild waiting for one ************** ( xD ) to walk up and open a chest and get banned only for people to figure out it WAS HIS CHEST lol.
Well, it's obvious that if you leave a chest full of valuable things without locking it in Wild, you will get robbed.
If some of the mods are saying its ok to steal from chests in the wild, I don't think their doing their jobs very well...
I sure hope they don't have differing opinions... Do you mean you asked players, or possibly a supporter? People have thought I was an admin. hehe AlexChance
Maybe a staff members words have been taken the wrong way. We make it known that without some form of proof there is little we can do regarding catching PVP/griefers, but it is still 100% not allowed, and if caught doing so it will be a permanent ban. -------------------------------------------------------------------- EMC commandments 2. Thou Shalt Not Steal Do not steal from other players, even if you find an unlocked player chest in the wilderness or if you have container permissions on another players lot. If you are caught doing so you will permanently banned. This rule was reworded a month or two ago to be very clear and concise about EMC policy regarding theft, there is really no ambiguity in this rule.