[ Trading ] 500k Promo for another 500k Promo Item!

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Loic_MaitreDuFeu, Jun 1, 2018.

  1. I need the Gold Shovel and the Golden Hoe 500k Promo
    I want to Trade them for another 500k promo for my collection of Promo

    I can give you the Golden Sword/Pickaxe/Boots/Fishing Rod/Bow
    and you will give me a Gold Shovel 500k or the 500k Gold Hoe
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  2. still no one -.-
  3. I may be able to help you mate. I think i have a spare shovel. I will check and get back to you
    Loic_MaitreDuFeu likes this.
  4. Thank you Big__Kev