To the jerk who destroyed my base in the wasteland

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by smlyon, Jan 6, 2014.

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  1. That base was for everyone to use, not for you to come along and destroy and call it it "greifing." I had quite a few people randomly use it and appreciated the enderchest and crafting stuff i placed there. You sir, who ever you may be, are a complete jerk and should be kicked from the severer. there is no respect on here.
  2. ..I'm pretty sure griefers don't care about the forums. This is deffo not the way to go about this, try PM'ing a staff member and give all the information you can. (When it happened, the coords of the base, etc.)
  3. Whoa whoa whoa. Just because you've been griefed does not mean you should direct the anger to all of us! Like xHaro said, PM a staff member, in game or on the forums, and try to give as much information.
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  4. As Haro said, pm a staff member so they can try to find the griefer. They may have destroyed a block that is logged and can be caught. Here is a convo with a staff who is currently online.
  5. Yes do start convo with me and tell the cords of your base and I will help best I can,
    jrm531 and margaritte like this.
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