Teleport Syncing Help Please

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by King_Hardig, Mar 25, 2017.

  1. I talked to onetoad and he explained how to sync teleports from the nether to the frontier spawn. So I went to youtube and watched some videos too. I started at the nether, took the "X" and "Z" coordinates. Teleported to the overworld. Divided the nether coordinates by 8, from the nether, made a teleporter at that precise location, went thru it and came out at someone elses teleport in the nether. What am I doing wrong, please! I know going from the overworld to the nether , you "X" by 8 and coming from the nether to the overworld you, "divide" by 8. It has to be something simple I'm doing wrong but I can't quite put my finger on it. lol! Help a King out please. "King_Hardig"
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  2. The nether is 8 times smaller than the overworld so you should be dividing the overworld coords by 8 instead of the nether coords.
    Equinox_Boss and King_Hardig like this.
  3. ohhh! Thank you very much bumblebee! The king bows to you humbly! ;)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  4. It sounds like you have a specific location in the Wild or Nether where you want your Portal but I can't tell which. If the Wild side is the one that you want to stay in place, go in the Nether to where the Portal(X/8,Z/8) should have been and make a Portal there. Once you light it up and go through you should be in the Wild where you expect to be. I have heard that it helps if their Y coordinates are close. Most of mine are underground because of this.
    Equinox_Boss and King_Hardig like this.
  5. Thank you very much for the info. :)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  6. This corrected my problem. I made the portal in the nether the same level as the portal in the overworld and it synced my portals up. Thank you very much for this suggestion. :D
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