Suggestion add a way to save coords in the wild/waste /loc interface is: Add a button somewhere [SAVE THIS LOCATION] can also have a command version /loc save This would open a new Chest UI -> Similar to bookmarks you would see your saved Wild/Waste locations, but it would point /compass into the saved location command version? /loc go MySecretBase /compass loc MyNotSoSecretBase ???
Public Service Announcement FYI - just been informed that you can do /loc, click on any of the coordinate text, to copy to clipboard suggestion stands, but this is a nice existing help Have a nice day =D
I like the idea and would use it heavily. I have scraps of paper all over this desk with coords of this and that. To have it in game and easily accessible would be great. I've used the written book method but it tends to be on the wrong smp all the time so a gui of some sort would eliminate that.