Along with the reminders to vote and occasional information about upgrades add random tips from the wiki. Tips should not be too frequent and should have a user setting to be turned off. Candidates are any of the EMC commands and information about the servers. All of the most common problems that people ask about in Chat should have a tip on the list. You might even consider adding tips for vanilla Minecraft. A few examples: You can play many games on our Games server. Use "/games" to go there. Use "/difficulty" command to change the your personal difficulty level. It affects spawn rates and aggressiveness of various mobs. It is one of many commands that allows you to customize your survival game play. Use "/compass toggle" to turn on/off the compass bar at the top of your screen Use "/compass ui" to set your compass needle to a variety of locations
Here's one: Visit The Suggestion Box to submit suggestions or provide feedback on suggestions by others.
this already exists! It's displayed automatically to new players, but we have to enable it manually. type /tip to display a random tip /chat tips on to enable them