We should honor the staff that have served us. With a wiki page! Just saying when they joined and when they "Retired" so... yea... Maybe some other things too... Meow.
Well yah, but there are other retired staff than just Dark_Liz and AusQB. In the 8 months that I took my break like 6 staff members retired lol.
I'd love this! Currently, the only way people know about retired staff members is through Bigdavie's follow list, I think they deserve more than that.
I like the idea. I have a long list of some of the retired Staff. It's on an old laptop so I'll go find it now, and I'll probably go post it in a spoiler on this thread... It's not up to date though, but once it was updated, we'd have a list to work on for the Wiki if we decided to do this
Too late, sorry JustinGuy GameKribJEREMY/IcecreamCow AusQB Dark_Liz GameKribJim Shaunwhite1982 MileHi NurseKillJoy Ahzrael Green_Mystery Malicaii12 slozon The_Drifter92 Twitch1 bob23646 Tikiman678 FaustLauncher roja22 Crazy1080 R0bbieJo ISMOOCH AndrewBuchinger Barks87 amadai Tucker_T d1223m EdmundWayne margaritte bonzd67 Dreacon78 MauryPoppins Torian42 5weety AZHamster JackBiggin Myeno Deathtomb8953 bitemenow15 superdog93 OrigamiJoe hatorijr shavingfoam ninjaboy5656 Zegridathes battmeghs Silken_Thread PirateofDW Damiensmom11 NZScruffy DrewRadio LadBlo If I forgot anyone, firstly I'm sorry, secondly, please point it out so I can add it to the list.
Thank goodness for that, because my laptop is being a pain I have the list up though so I'll write down below the ones you may be missing... OrigamiJoe Actually, after checking, that's the only one I see that is missing