(Suggestion) Reenable Bed Spawning in the Wild End

Discussion in 'The Suggestion Box' started by AncientTower, Jan 28, 2025.

  1. So there currently is no way to place a spawn point in the via an anchor or a bed in the End. Back when the Nether anchor was introduced the fine Devs on this server reenabled bed spawning in the End. However, the beds no longer work in the End. Placing them and trying to set point you get a message that says something like Bed Spawn can only be set on solid blocks.

    Many players on this server have bases in the /Wild End and without a way to set a spawn point it is difficult to maintain the bases that are far away from the main End island where the dragon spawns.

    My Suggestion is for EMC Devs to reenable bed spawn in the /Wild End only and keep the /waste End vanilla. Either reenable the bed or create a purchasable bed via tokens that is Enabled for /Wild End use only.

    BlockHead_56 and Tuqueque like this.
  2. Hey there. I investigated this issue this morning.

    Something internally in the server is preventing me from allowing bed spawns in the end. If we want to bring it back, I will have to write a server patch for whatever is blocking it. idk
  3. Thanks for looking into this. I know I would be very much appreciated and anyone else that utilizes the End.
    I also understand you and the Devs are busy keeping the server running.
    I think I can speak for everyone and say we would all be appreciative if you and the other Devs would be able to make this patch happen.

    This is indeed something I think is needed on this server as a few of us have made bases in the End and dragon fighting arenas out there too. It's definitely something we want whenever it can happen. THANK YOU !!