[Suggestion] Locked Chests without signs.

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Spyrovsgnorg, Jul 12, 2018.


Would this make you want to use locked chest more? and if so this is a good idea?

Yes this is a good idea and i would use locked chest more 3 vote(s) 100.0%
No this is a bad idea but i would use locked chest more 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Yes this is a good idea but i wouldn't use locked chest more 0 vote(s) 0.0%
No this is a bad idea but i wouldn't use locked chest more 0 vote(s) 0.0%
  1. Hello this post is to propose a suggestion that i feel would help a lot of people who live in the wild. first of all from the small bit of coding i do know this shouldn't be too hard to implement but who knows im not an expert coder.

    here is what i'd like to propose: Locked chests without having signs. Locked chests are great. except for when someone is curious. they are great for people living in the wilderness but the only problem is if you're building a massive storage system its terrible to have Double chest sign spread out every 1 block. the idea is to add a sign like item into the game like a remote shop item except you can combine it with a chest in order to make a locked chest item. or you could just create a shop item locked chest. basically (New Locked Shop Sign) + (Regular Chest) = (Locked chest just without the sign on top of it) I feel this would be a really cool item to release with the outpost update that will hopefully come soon or just release as is. either of these items if they are implemented should be buyable from anywhere because i feel you shouldn't have to go to town for a pretty looking locked chest item. I really hope this is taken into consideration sorry if this idea is already been put out there i just hate the current locking chest system. Thanks!
    Tuqueque, ThaKloned and FadedMartian like this.
  2. Note: idk if this would be considered server side im guessing it would be sorry if it is >_< saw that warning after i posted :p
  3. Interesting +1

    Not sure what would be the best way to do this, other than to wait for Outpost update, but... your ideas are also good options
  4. Pretty interesting idea. I would love to not have signs everywhere for use. Nice one :)