Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by TasteOfTerror, Nov 24, 2016.

  1. Alright! This is a suggestion for Boost Bows. If anyone has seen a Youtube series called HermitCraft you'll know exactly what this is; almost every episode you can see a youtuber use it and it's a lot of fun.

    Boost Bow: Any Bow, with Punch on it, used when flying with the Elytra. The player hits themselves with an arrow and the punch enchantment keeps them flying in the air longer. This means you can fly long distances easily and get a nice aerial view of the ground below!

    The Issue: EMC is a non-pvp server. Hitting yourself with a bow is considered "PvP" because you're intentionally taking damage to yourself using a weapon.

    Suggestion: I've used a boost bow a lot on single players worlds and they are a lot of fun. I've talked to a few people that were also interested in seeing this. I realize the reason behind not allowing a player to hit themselves with an arrow but if there's any way this could be implemented I'd personally love it and I feel a large number of people would too! Thanks for the feedback!
  2. If anyone is still confused what I'm talking about, I'll record a video and post it here