Hey all, I know we already have birthdays set up on our profile, but I thought it would be cool if we could have a section visible under the members list which shows birthdays on that day. Also, I thought it would be cool to havE birthday bonuses on your birthday like extra rupees when you sign in. This is just a suggestion but it would be cool to see this happen!
Great idea, I will see if someone has already made a birthdays addon for Xenforo (my guess would be yes). Edit: not so sure about extra rupees, people can just put the wrong bday.
Could not find anything out of the box I liked so I whipped something up. It shows birthdays on the right side of the members section: http://empireminecraft.com/members/ and it also has its own section that shows yesterday and tomorrow: http://empireminecraft.com/birthday/
Hmm... perhaps it should only include members that are somewhat active? It's not ideal to exclude people, but those lists are quite large, and most of those listed probably aren't active members.
Its hard to determine what is active. For example some players play on the servers every day but don't visit the site. Some visit the site just to read the news but don't log in
It could be argued that those who don't visit the forums needn't have their B-day displayed, since any "happy birthday" messages wouldn't reach them. Alternatively, you could use a composite metric, where active is define as having either a presence on the web site or having a residence (derelict policy makes this work). A presence on the web site could be define as not having the "new member" category, and/or having logged in recently.
Umm... I don't get it. I guess you're commenting on how he implemented the whole feature in under 3 hours? On topic, I just had a new idea. It'd be cool to have a feature where we get a site alert / notification on our user page when someone we are following has a birthday.
Yes, because it didn't take days to get it done. Good idea you have also. I should also add that I've been involved with computers since 1982 and I hate ANY programming attempt by me and I appreciate the things others do with it.