hi im thefryedmans and i can say i have managed to get out of shopworld and see the pyramid and old emc shop. i managed it once and i wish to do it again but the no walk flag was put in place so i could not see so my suggestion is this either having a path where you can walk that allows you to see the old builds kinda like a museum of all the old builds emc has had. or a tour of the buildings making sure no one wanders off. or even just a world filled with all old builds that players of emc can look at and explore and look back at the history of emc. cause right now the builds are just lying there wishing to be looked at again.
Re-visitation of old builds has already been announced as pending for the future. Especially with those amazing build team worlds. I can't give any sort of timeline because they are towards the bottom of the to-do list atm.