Stack Smelter build

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by TransitBiker, Jun 19, 2017.

  1. That's right, it's time to build the stack smelter. I am currently collecting clay, redstone, gold, iron, and other items needed for the build. The building (enclosure) is i'd estimate at 80 blocks long, so it needs a good flat area with minimal water

    I have a few questions:

    Does anyone want to help me build it?
    Where should it be located?
    Can you donate plain clay, black wool, dark grey wool, iron, sea lanterns, slime blocks, or quartz?
    Who will use this thing?
    Coal donations to feed the beast?
    Item sorting system for the output if lava buckets are used : who can build one?

    - Andy
  2. Buckets from the output do not -require- sorting out automatically, but they will end up in the storage silo, and will need to be fetched before the chest/hopper they are in fills up with them.

    I also measured the thing, it's 83 blocks from back to front including the iron footing around the silo/input/fuel enclosure area. This is mainly decorative, but also serves as mild creeper protection for a few bits below the main floor, such as the comparator clock, and one of the item elevator dropper columns.

    - Andy
  3. I am gathering resources to build this monstrosity. The two biggest things i need are coal and iron. I have plenty of redstone, and can get quartz.

    - Andy