UPDATE: FLASH SALE ON ANDESITE, DIORITE AND GRANITE I just hooked up a bunch of the excess stuff I have at my res with shop signs. I redid the carpeting, which im still working on. I have more shops to set up but its pretty basic stuff right now. I have some enchanted gear/tools/weapons and some end loot to get rid of as well. Haven't made shops for those yet so pm me if you want something or catch me when I am on. Also a free chest that has been half emptied already. If there is anything you want me to add to the shop let me know. I am not doing books as I have an advertisement there for the best book store on emc already Also not going to be supplying any bulk quartz or obsidian so I don't need those silly suggestions I will be adding an area for nature related stuff though, including mod spawn eggs just got to get around to it.
updated the lighting. I logged in with my brightness on moody and discovered you couldn't see a lot of the shop signs very well when it was night time. now the only one that is difficult to see(and it's not really) is the ice sign... after screwing up my carpeting situation melting a couple of pieces.... grr
Just dumped a ton of end loot into the FREE chest. everything has been restocked and I am about to put more shop signs up for other materials such as glass and ocean monument blocks.
had to restock gravel, diorite, andesite, granite and sand. shouldn't have any problem with them being bought out now... knock on wood hah.
prismarine, prismarine bricks, dark prismarine, sea lanterns, elytra and shulker boxes added to the shop! There is also still enchanted gear, tools and weapons for sale but again, haven't put up shops for them right now as there is a bit of sillyness going on in the market for them right now xD
I might have to gather some more elytra, if I have any left it's probably only one. otherwise, the shop is stocked and ready to roll. Planning on adding some more items today.
I had an elytra and a shulker box shop set up... that lasted all of two days. Even so! come over and see if we got anything you need.
I now have over a DC of elytra in stock, come and get em! buy in bulk if you want I will get more. AND!!! enchanted tools, weapons, armor and fragile elytra now has its own shop next to the end bricks <3
Lowered the price of elytra yet again, only 9k fully enchanted now. Still having the sale on 1.8 stone variants at /v +gawa on smp7.