[SERVICE] Tribute making!

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by jtc0999, Aug 9, 2013.

  1. One of my hobbies is making tributes to certain things with music and photos. I've created a few tributes, so i decided to go ahead and give my service away! If you'd like me to make a tribute, Please PM me with what you'd like me to make for you.

    NOTE: There must be enough photos online deticated to the topic, or i will not make the tribute

    Idea provided (I must find the music and photos myself): 500r
    Idea & music provided (I must find the photos myself): 300r
    Idea & photos provided (I must find the music myself): 150r
    Idea, Photos, and music provided (I only must make the slideshow): No charge

    NOTE 2: I use Itunes for the music, and if the song you'd like is NOT on Itunes, you may or may not have the song. If not, i will take off 100r and find another song myself (If it is free, i'll pay you 100r). I will try and find another way to get the music, but it's not 100% that i will

    Because i don't want to clog this thread up with page after page of negoating on different things. If you have a question [I.e what software do you use?] You can ask it here insted of PMing me

    NOTE 2: I do have the power to decline making a tribute if i do not feel like it is right (I.e The Klu klux klan)

    EDIT: I forgot to add this earlier, but here are my previous tributes (Yes, there both MLP releated :p)

  2. Bump!
    And edited with my previous work :)
  3. Bumpz!
    Edited! (again :p)
    And i have my first customer! :D