[selling] Some Promo's

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by finch_rocks_1, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. Hey EMC,

    I am selling some items i have more than 2 of :p

    - x3 EMC 2014 B-Day Cake ( 22k Each )
    - x4 Stable Voucher ( 12k Each )
    - x9 Vault Voucher ( 14k Each )

    - x1 Qupid Bow ( 24k Each )
    - x2 I Day 4th of July 2014 ( 25k Each )
    - x2 I Day 4th of July 2014 Empire Firework ( 25K Each )
    - x2 Turkey Slicer ( 40k Each )
  2. I might like the 2104 B-day cake yet I only have 8.7k can you maybe make it less expensive
  3. Sorry, I Cant lower it, as thats the value of it. Thats the same range as every other promo seller.
  4. That's fine, I was really looking forward to a cake so I'll save up!
  5. mmm a Qupid Bow? must be a really rare item, I've never heard of it before. ;):p