[SELLING] Enchanted Books

Discussion in 'Selling' started by Astromath1959, Nov 11, 2021.

  1. Enchanted books for sale:
    25 Piercing I
    50 Knockback I
    50 Loyalty I
    50 Piercing II
    50 Quick Charge I
    100 Aqua Affinity
    100 Bane of Arthropods II
    100 Depth Strider II
    100 Fire Aspect I
    100 Flame
    100 Knockback II
    100 Piercing III
    100 Power I
    100 Quick Charge II
    100 Silk Touch
    100 Thorns II
    150 Efficiency II
    150 Fire Aspect II
    150 Fire Protection III
    150 Looting III
    150 Loyalty III
    150 Mending
    150 Piercing IV
    150 Power II
    150 Riptide III
    150 Sweeping Edge III
    150 Unbreaking III
    250 Bane of Arthropods IV
    250 Efficiency III
    250 Luck of the Sea II
    250 Power III
    250 Protection III
    250 Sharpness III
    250 Smite IV
    500 Efficiency III/Impaling IV
    500 Efficiency IV
    500 Impaling IV/Piercing IV/Riptide III
    500 Luck of the Sea II/Sharpness III
    500 Multishot
    500 Power IV
    500 Protection III/Quick Charge II
    1000 Multishot/Power III
    1500 Bane of Arthropods IV/Channeling/Efficiency III
    2000 Depth Strider III/Efficiency IV/Fire Protection IV

    On SMP3 use /v +Astromath1959 or /v 7564
  2. Are those the quantity of books you have or are those prices?
    Merek_Shadower likes this.
  3. Those are the prices. Sorry for the confusion.
  4. Update. 2 books sold. Those in red with a line through it are no longer available.
  5. Added more books. Too many to list now. Check them out.