Selling Easter Promos!

Discussion in 'Selling' started by ZombieInstinct, May 10, 2018.

  1. Easter Bunny Egg #2018 (Brown) - 23k each x5

    Magical Eggcellent Wand #2018 - 13k each x5

    Marlix's Armor - 5k each x1
    Starzival likes this.
  2. I'll buy two Easter Bunnies.
    ZombieInstinct likes this.
  3. Sounds good! Will right after payment :) Thanks!
  4. I'll take the last 3 easy bunnies :)

    ZombieInstinct likes this.
  5. Well they sold fast haha
    Sachrock likes this.
  6. Sent :) Thanks!
  7. Marlix's armor is worth more than 5k :p i would say 15-20k is more acurate
  8. I know, had trouble selling it :p Thanks for the advice! 8)
  9. I bought a wand before easter for 50k. xD
    ZombieInstinct likes this.
  10. Sent! :)
  11. I'll take the armor and wands payment sent
  12. Sent!