[SELLING] Beacons 7K each 3239

Discussion in 'Selling' started by white_trash_dna, Mar 28, 2018.

  1. Thats right we can all thank Sachrocks for 7k beacons! (just the price not the beacons they are mine)

    Come get yours on smp2 at 3239, only half a stack left so get them before they run out!

    SkeleTin007, Tuqueque and Starzival like this.
  2. lots of stock!!! Bump
    Tuqueque and AncientTower like this.
  3. Your out of stock, could you get more in?
  4. Dang, I wish I'd seen this earlier :p. Let me know when you restock!
  5. I didn't know I was out sorry, will restock and let the two of you know asap... just need to take a run to the outpost :)
    TheFroon and Starzival like this.
  6. Lots of stock Bump!!!