Sam's Supplies [ ITEM ORDER SERVICE ]

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by samsimx, Jul 24, 2013.

  1. Seeing as how I don't find as much enjoyment on EMC as I used to, I only really love to gather resources because I lack building creativity and EMC doesn't really fit my survival experience very well seeing how far from vanilla it actually is, so I decided I might as well make money off the time I have to collect resources :D
    Things that need to be stated when you place an order:
    Item: ( So I know what you want :p )
    Deadline: ( Nothing extreme, I can only work as fast as I can, please nothing too wild because I might turn you down ): )
    Amount: ( Just to make sure everyone is on the same page. )
    Transport: ( If you need it delivered, or if you can pick up on Smp7. )


    Stone / Stone bricks: SC: 1050r, DC: 2100r, Stack: 39r
    Cobblestone: SC: 500r DC: 1000r Stack:18r
    Logs: ( Any Type ): SC: 2160r DC: 4320r Stack: 80
    Sand: SC: 1000r DC: 2000r Stack: 37
    Sandstone ( Any Variant ): SC: 3500 DC: 7000 Stack: 130r
    Glass: SC: 1300 DC: 2600 Stack: 48r
    Netherrack: SC: 400r DC: 800r Stack: 15r
    Nether Brick ( BLOCKS ): SC: 2500r DC: 5000r Stack: 92r
    Clay Blocks: SC: 6000r DC: 12000r Stack: 222r
    Emeralds: SC: 49k DC: 98k Stack: 1800r
    Snow Blocks: SC: 2700r DC: 5400r Stack: 100r
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx and o0_Jetfire_0o like this.
  2. For now only can supply those few items, plan to expand in the near future :D
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx and o0_Jetfire_0o like this.
  3. Item: DC of glass
    Deadline: 2 days?
    Amount: 2592 (Your DC price was off and thank you I'd prefer keeping my precious 8r :p)
    Transport: I'll pick it up :)
  4. I rounded down per stack if thats the math you did, but no worries!
  5. When will my order be ready? :)
  6. Its ready now :) Access chest is setup at 14006 on Smp7
  7. Thanks, I'll take and pay when I run out which should be pretty soon :)
  8. Item: Sand.
    Amount: 10 stacks.
    Deadline: July 30th-August 6th.
    Transport: 3794 on Smp2, is there a transport fee.
  9. Your item is done, please pay & setup access chests.
  10. Item(s): 3 1/2 DC pine logs, 2 1/2 DC jungle logs, 2 DC birch logs, DC oak logs
    Deadline: Whenever, as long as your working on it, and I receive all logs before other log orders
    Amount: 38,880r (i'll pay by the DC, please do DC pine, jungle, birch, oak & repeat until complete)
    Transport: I'll pick up, beginning July 28th when I'm home from vacation...
    TY, Sam ;)
  11. Item: 1 DC Jungle logs + 1 DC Pine logs
    Deadline: ASAP
    Amount: 8,640r
    Transport: I can pick up
  12. Picked up my glass & paid, thanks :)
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx and samsimx like this.
  13. Item: Oak logs (4320r)
    Amount: Double chest

    Item: Birch logs (4320r)
    Amount: Double chest

    Item: Jungle logs (4320r)
    Amount: Double chest

    Item: Pine logs (4320r)
    Amount: Double chest

    Item: Netherbrick (5000r)
    Amount: Double chest

    Item: Glass (2600r)
    Amount: Double chest

    Item: Normal sandstone (7000r)
    Amount: Double chest

    Total price: 31,880r
    Deadline: Whenever you can.
    Transport: Please set up an access room for ACInc/AlexChance that no one else can enter, then set up shop signs in sc's (1728) for all the items at the right prices. :)
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  14. Items: 6 stacks of oak logs. 4 stacks of birch logs. SC of cobblestone. 2 stacks of netherrack.
    Total Price: 1,330r
    Deadline: ASAP
    Transport: Nope ill pick it up
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  15. Everyone's orders are being worked on thoroughly, but the above items are going to be changed in price and new items are being added so please no more orders until everything is up to date and confirmed ready :)
    Jeanzl2000 and xI_LIKE_A_PIGx like this.
  16. Okay, it's been a week. I'd expect a DC or two to be ready by now. Always nice to communicate with your customer. :)
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  17. Sorry I tried talking to you ingame once D: 4 DCs are ready, and access signs are setup at 14006
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  18. np. Paid for and picked up the first four DCs. Just leave a message here when another bunch is done. Tnx!
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx and samsimx like this.
  19. Any news on my order? D:
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  20. The logs are being harvested by people and some are smelting, but i am leaving for vacation so my assistant will let you know!