Requesting for abit of help

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Envine, Dec 8, 2018.

  1. Hey fellas, Right now i am gathering resources and building a shop on smp4. It has been taking abit longer than i would like. if you guys like, you can donate materials like stone, end stone, andestie, black & white wool, Jungle & spruce wood (for a good cause haha). Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you :D
    i do hope to get the shop running by next Friday, depends on how bothered i am designing and building.
    those who do decide to donate i will leave a sign with your name & donation. just be sure to post below.
    i have set up a hopper & chest at my plot, 8585 on smp4
  2. I have some black and white wool from when I used to make maps - I can send some of that your way - I'll look in my old storage to see if I have anything else!
    top_benny likes this.
  3. There is a free tree farm in town on smp6 you can used to collect as much wood as needed.
    Envine likes this.
  4. Donated 9 stacks of stone, 4 stacks of white and black wool, 2 stacks of end stone, and 4 or so stacks of andesite
    Envine likes this.