Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by Tuqueque, Dec 19, 2013.

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  1. Dear EMC,

    You kicked me and i think is unfair. Your reason was i scammed people with the diamond shop. I was just having fun. I didn't expect anyone selling me theirs diamonds. I though it was obvious that it was kind of a trick. I do accept i was scamming people but only 1 person selled me those diamonds(which i didn't expect) I look at them i left them in the chest and thought who would had selled me the diamonds. I they would had when i was online i would have gave them the diamonds back, but he selled me the diamonds when i was offline. Because of the previous thing, i couldn't gave him the diamonds back. Im just a kid and i was just trying to have fun. I would like to return to the Empire;i missed it, it was the only server that i was into. And if you don't let me look at my res and enjoy it and maybe don't erased it. But if you do i will correct myself. Maybe i will keep the sign but put a sign with (2) (B 20 ) (diamonds) to get the diamonds back. I know that what i did was bad, but i think EM need more fun. The other day F2D2 was trying to enjoy my roller coaster, but he couldn't because he was being kind bullied. I would really like to get back to the Empire and demonstrate that i can change.

    Sincerely tuqueque.
  2. Please start a private conversation with them.
    tuqueque likes this.
  3. PM the staff member that banned you. Don't post this on the forums.
  4. Well as far as I see where you kicked or banned? If you were banned start a pm with the member of staff that kicked you and tell them your reasons. Here is link to page:
    tuqueque likes this.
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