[Question] Slowest horse?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by MrAdazahi, Apr 26, 2018.

  1. So as far as I know the fastest horses in the game are 139 speed and the slowest is 48, however, the horse nerf made Minecraft’s techinchal highest speed now 135, so when breeding you can’t breed 139s because the averaging can be max 139+139+135/3. The slowest horse a play has is 48 but that might not be the slowest, if possible can a SS+ use commands sto spawn whatever the Minecraft code for the slowest horse is on stage and then tell me what the emc percentage is? Thanx.
  2. It's 45, someone found 47 in wild recently, so slowest defiently isn't 48. IIRC there's quite a few 47s

    And MC wiki says speed is 0.1125 to 0.3375 in internal units, which if you multiply by 400 you get 45 and 135.
    RainbowPony likes this.
  3. cool thanks,but yeah last i remmeber confused_snakes had the 2 slowest which were 48 but maybe it was 47 i dont remember.
  4. Dufne has a 47.55, and I have a 49.something.