[Closed] staff heads

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by mjnoe70, Aug 26, 2017.

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  1. This Thread is great, it's now got a link to it in The Promo Prices Thread. Keep up the good work
    mjnoe70 likes this.
  2. TY, though that link has been in there since day 1! ...but to be fair due to mainly only getting prices on promo versions I've started adding some in to this thread. Don't like the duplication but gotta start somewhere.
  3. Hashhog: 5K~
    Carolmoss: Also 5k~
    DWMom: Anywhere between 150k-300k
    JDHallows: 20-40k~
    Jackbiggin: 12K
    ItsMeMatheus: 100k~
    PenguinDJ and mjnoe70 like this.
  4. Tome to add more new staff members
    mjnoe70 likes this.
  5. Added... Not sure it matters if we have no pricing to go with it, its just a match of the staff web page pretty much.

    Anyone out there any have values to add to any of the open staff heads?
  6. psst... mj... shh..... but itsmematteus is actually not retired, but Senior Staff... although not your fault as he seems to have been totally deleted from the Staff lists... perhaps due to a top secret mission or some other... double-0-matt ? 200k atm

    price estimates...

    Baradar67 150k
    ElfinPineapple 4-500k
    Dramanya 150k
    Crystaldragon 150k
    HxCami10 100k
    iamcavie 100k
    mjnoe70 likes this.
  7. He stepped down and then was reinstated recently.

    My current username is not LongJohnSlvrs but Murphys__Law. Murphys__Law heads are unobtainable. There are now Mountain Dew Slvr Heads. I'm unsure of their pricing, but they are more numerous than the orange soda one (32 in comparison to the 24 orange ones). (I'm so high maintenance. I know. I am sorry.)
    mjnoe70 and Raaynn like this.
  8. Ha. I know. But still unlisted.. :)

    Top secret... I'm telling ya ...
    mjnoe70 likes this.
  9. Latest updates added, ty, bump
  10. No idea how I left this out, but my head can be obtained for 2k at deco, OR I give it out for free if you ask me in person. I usually give the person some odd or silly task to do and then boom, give them a head.
    mjnoe70 likes this.
  11. Already had you down for 2k Mr Knight!
    Raaynn likes this.
  12. What I mean is that they're also free if you ask me in person.
    Raaynn likes this.
  13. Just a suggestion but you should add the price point for a regular Rainbowchin head and maybe add the Moonbowchin head (his alt)
    mjnoe70 and Raaynn like this.
  14. Can do, if I know the prices..
  15. Well, I do not know the price for the Moonbowchin head but I sold my Rainbowchin head awhile back for 300k I believe
    mjnoe70 likes this.
  16. Hashhog's head is for sale at his museum for 50k.
  17. Missing some of the newer staff heads..
    Rogue and Critic...
    q1zx likes this.
  18. Note i think this is no longer being updated so its just for people reading the comments :p
  19. This would be cool to get an updated vision of this thread.
    mjnoe70 likes this.
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