Price Inquired on Horses

Discussion in 'Price Inquiries' started by levyhalmen, Feb 21, 2018.


Should horses drop their heads when killed?

Yes. 10 vote(s) 58.8%
No. 2 vote(s) 11.8%
I need a third choice so I can sound ambiguous....... 5 vote(s) 29.4%
  1. What are the prices for Horses with speed 130 and greater (at each speed integer, like 131,132, etc)?
    What are the 'rarer,' or uncommon colors and their prices?
    Also, may as well inquire prices for jumping horses, too.
    SkeleTin007 and AncientTower like this.
  2. 130 speed = 3k
    131 speed = 7k
    132 speed = 20k
    133 speed = 70-120k
    134 speed = 250-650k (this depends on what the exact speed is... if it's a 134.99, it'd be like 650k+)
    135 speed = 1mil (a 135.27 or something got 1.2 mil offers)
    136 speed = if you can find someone who sells these, gg... worth at least 2 mil

    rarer horses
    130 speed = 4k
    131 speed = 9k
    132 speed = 40k
    133 speed = ??? (alot)
    134 speed = literally no one is going to sell these.

    Those prices are what I sell horses for at my horse shop.

    idk about jump, but prancer has 130 jump and is around 35k. the maximum jump horse you can obtain (by breeding 2 prancers) is either 119 or 120.
  3. I would say 2r but am me. So everything is 2r in my eyes!
    Raaynn likes this.
  4. I bought my 133.88 speed horse for 95k
    Starsphere likes this.
  5. What are the rarer colors?
    What is the rarest color?
    What are common colors?
    What sort of pricing increase do they have?

    (This is great:

    JadedKitteh and SkeleTin007 like this.
  6. Common = white/creamy. There's 2 139 whites and 2 139 creamys on the server, so most fast horses are from them.
    Rare = Grey, dark brown, black, brown, chestnut
    There isn't really a rarest color, but I'd say black, as I dont see many fast black horses around.
    All rare colors have the same price increase, what I posted before (4k, 9k, 40k, etc), and become almost impossible to buy if over 133 speed.
  7. Alright, thanks. You have been a happily great help!
  8. Those common colors are accurate (for now, but watch what will happen in the next few years). Some of those rare colors are on the verge of becoming common, but for the most part they aren't.

    Lul, I can definitely say there is a horse color that is rarer than others, and that color is definitely not Black. In the past, white and creamy were very much prominent in the horse market, but there was another color that was growing in popularity, and some might say it should have been a common color, that being Black. Black though was the underdog, they didn't have the luxury of being traced back to a 139 pairing like the other 2, but they were very much prevalent in some of the other smps, I can name a few people who can prove this. Nowadays they are still very much present, maybe you should take a look back through my horses and see which all are black.

    Now back on the subject of rarest color, I personally would give that title to Dark Brown because, well just look and see how many Dark Brown horses there are at the stables compared to the others, and out of the horses that I do end up getting 130 variants from theres just fewer dark browns in there compared to the other colors.
    Starsphere likes this.
  9. I gots 2r... can I buy a The_Boulder head please :D
  10. I can triple that with 6r for everything you own plus a boulder head ;-)
  11. You guy's are too funny, yeah I would take a boulder head, and I could perhaps afford one at this time. But um yeah, though most people would disagree I could say 129- speeds are pretty much worthless and I hand those out for free on occasions. Since Star had already beat me to the curve just reflect on the prices he stated.

    You know what would be something? If someone was selling a 137 Speed Horse!
    586 and Starsphere like this.
  12. Yes I am just kidding. I already has his stone noggin.
    Starsphere likes this.
  13. Also - I'm the first person to say no to horse heads, and here's why. Horses are sentient creatures we breed, and it's rare that we kill them, is discouraged against and if you have too many items you trash the items, not the horse itself. This will make people kill horses. :p
    Starsphere likes this.
  14. I personally don't kill any of the horses I breed, but for the ones that I do deem to poor stated to be given away I /dispose them. But unfortunately other people like some of my friends do kill them and sell their leather, cause that's worth more than them alive (sad right). :\ yeah that unfortunately doesn't solve this problem we have.
    Starsphere, q1zx and AncientTower like this.
  15. I just release them into the wilds
    JadedKitteh, Starzival and q1zx like this.
  16. Oh, I saw that post on Starsphere's profile, where you released 200 or so horses. I like that. ;)
    Starsphere and AncientTower like this.
  17. because burning them alive is any better...
  18. I like that there are sentiments over a pixelated creature....
    Still, I would like to have heads of all the lovely creatures! More for a wonderful PARKOUR course!
    I would love to mount one of these on my wall or have a pool of them: