[PRICE CHECK] 2014 Freedom Blade & Several Other Promos

Discussion in 'Price Inquiries' started by Albertma222, Jul 17, 2017.

  1. Hello, I have recently come back to Empire Minecraft. I was wondering how much the following are worth: (Single valuations would be nice, but if you want to give an approximation that would be fine also)

    2014 Freedom Blade (Independence Day 2014 Promo)
    2015 Empire Firework (Independence Day 2015 Promo)
    2017 Empire Firework (Independence Day 2017 Promo)
    A "Taste The Freedom" Steak
    24 Pieces of IceCreamCow Flesh
    4 Pieces of IceCreamCow Skin
    2 Meteor Bows

    Also, thank you to everyone who has made my 5(ish) years here possible, and to the admins who lifted my initial ban because without them I probably wouldn't be here :)
    God_Of_Gods likes this.
  2. I sell taste of freedom steaks for 99r
  3. Oh lol thanks