[Poll] My Next Large scale build

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Dee6983, Jul 6, 2018.


What should the Theme for this Island Be. (Read bio before voting)

Hawaiian/tropical theme 9 vote(s) 45.0%
Japanese/Chinese theme 5 vote(s) 25.0%
Good ol' Modernized 3 vote(s) 15.0%
Greek Theme 2 vote(s) 10.0%
Other, sugguest below 1 vote(s) 5.0%
  1. Greetings great citizens of EMC, I have a question for all of you to aid me in my summer builds. So for all of you loyal SMP 5 members, you most likely have heard my name in chat often. I often live in the wilderness most of my time, sorry to drag on ill get to the point now. I have been working on a large build off the location of Wild North West, I have been working on "The million dollar Volcano" a large ~250 block in diameter, 150 block high solid volcano. I figured I should make a custom island for tourism and potential usage for other purposes, So I ask what theme i should create for the island. It will be a very large build with a minimum of 600 block diameter over time. With this any members who would wish to join in on the construction or visit the progress are welcomed with open arms and a smile. Thank you for your time and opinions.
    RestNPineapple and MoreMoople like this.
  2. There is a movie out at the moment, has large reptiles etc. And a volcano...
    RestNPineapple and Dee6983 like this.
  3. Make it some weird funky psychedelic mushroom island, full of colours, mini mushroom houses (mushrooms everywhere) and just some totally trippy wonderland!
    RestNPineapple and Dee6983 like this.
  4. Hmm sounds familiar does it have a barada lurking in its waters?
    RestNPineapple likes this.
  5. That sounds like alot of fun might have to make a small area like that at least
    Otus_NigRum likes this.
  6. Build another Jurassic Park, because the people from Jurassic World didn't get the memo from the original trilogy
    Luckygreenbird likes this.
  7. I dont know man I think They might escape my iron walls too easily
  8. I know nothing of how you build. I say if it really means something to you. Continue what you finished building from last summer. Just a suggestion :)
  9. well what i did last summer was a house for a friend which i have finished as much as i can until the update for 1.13. If you would like to see how i built of last summer the res # is 10573 on smp5
  10. I say : hawaiian, with a nice lava flow, and clear waterfalls cascading into hidden lushy paradisiac coves. And lots of parrots. And an old crumbling overgrown pirate fort, complete with a sunken boat away from the shore.
  11. I like the way you described by definition of a tropical island :)
  12. I say Greek themed only because I want to see how you would be able to pull that off! It sounds super interesting
  13. its alot of quartz. Greek theme is my usual go to for big projects alot, sometimes its a bit bland to build as its usually not too abstract and outgoing. I always add it as an option because i love making temples and u cant go wrong with the classics.
    Impulsive_Egg likes this.
  14. Maybe a mix of those two, and Hawaiian or Japanese/Chinese theme would look nice. Honestly it was hard for me to pick, I like the Greek them a lot too.
  15. ill most deff be using the mushroom one somewhere we could do the jurasic world on your island?
    RestNPineapple likes this.
  16. maybe you should try recreating a greek marble statue in minecraft! Challenge yourself!!
    RestNPineapple likes this.
  17. Let me just say making a 250radius 150 high volcano is already a challenge. It will require about 200 dc of stone im guessing
    RestNPineapple likes this.
  18. wurf
    RestNPineapple likes this.