New Year - What you are happy about 2016 and What you are looking forward to in 2017

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by zPedroLoLz, Dec 29, 2016.

  1. My Dear Fellow Empirians (I think Empirates sounds much more fun, Idk what you fellas call yourselves),

    First of all, I WISH ALL OF YOU A HAPPY NEW YEAR, in advance and HAPPY 1.1x UPDATE.
    I would like to share my 2016 roller coaster feelings with all of you. You can if you want to :)

    2016 has been really nice to me, ofcourse I had ups and downs but over all I have improved a lot of aspects in my life from start of 2016 till here. I completed 1 project and I am on a 2nd project as a Web Dev, still learning a bunch of stuff on the go. Made resolutions along the way to better myself like going on a diet, reducing weight and my pant size :p xD. And in regards with EmpireMC, I made so many friends who have helped me a lot in my progress, CJones72, nixinimium559920, TasteOfTerror, Cubefragment, Will_McNab, Tbirdxmas, JDHallows, Kryssy and so many others(I love all of you even if I missed to mention someone).

    I look forward for 2017 to be a good year too like all these years with ups and downs, lots and lots of stuff for learning, make more friends, better time and money management(I am terrible at these).

    What are all your thoughts about 2016 and coming 2017?