New to Empire

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by BekoPvP, Sep 2, 2014.

  1. I have been playing minecraft for two months so pretty new to the game and very new to the online. so far i like it a lot. pretty hooked.
    Slip_Stream likes this.
  2. Welcome to the Empire, enzo! :D
  3. It just keeps on getting better, and welcome!
  4. Glad you are enjoying yourself and welcome to the forums. :) Need anything feel free to ask.
  5. Welcome to the Empire. May you meet new friends here :D
  6. Welcome to The Empire! I'm pretty new to the server myself but not to Minecraft. When my old server died I had to look for a new one. Luckily I found EMC in short order and was so impressed I've been back every day since. Hope you enjoy it too.

    Happy Gaming!
  7. Welcome to the Empire! :)
  8. Welcome to the Empire! :)
  9. Welcome enzo and have fun.