[NEW] Promo Store

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by Jman9082, Jan 18, 2016.

  1. Hello! I have just renovate my promo shop design to a more 'modern' day feel that allows for more promos to the line up! I have many in stock, and many more to come! If you would like to visit the store
    it is located at /v +Jman or /v +promo on SMP3! I Also do Buy @ Trade promos! :)

    *I'm NOT Selling The Store*

    PM me if you have any questions!

    Don't see a promo I sell? PM me and we can make a deal!

  2. The title is a little misleading...

    I thought you were selling your acual promo shop :p
  3. same here
  4. Yeah I would recommend a title change too, I thought you were selling the res lol
    FoxyRavenger and PenguinDJ like this.
  5. Do you buy promos also?
  6. by the way the teleports to leave the area are out so if you go you get stuck
  7. Ok, thank you I will fix the problems!
  8. Yes I do
  9. One Word. Awesome! :D Smp3 rules.
    Jman9082 likes this.
  10. Yes it is! Just needs a little bit more attention/ fun things on it. But it's still awesome!
  11. Yes I meant for you to be able to fall down onto the Section Teleport floor but forgot to make a space. But I fixed that now you are able to exit