Hey all! I am testing out a Netherite Mining Box Service, where you get a fully equipped box with everything you need to farm netherite, and you will pay off the box in Netherite you farm! The box comes equiped with plenty of Tnt, a flame bow with infinity, tools and weapons and a full diamond armor set, with Exp bottles to repair if required! Extra fire res potions can be requested (free of charge within reason)! The netherite obviously is not required to paid upfront, and you may mail the netherite within 5 days of the box being mailed to you An ender chest will also be mailed along with the box so you can get back to spawn after youve finished all your mining! (Put items in shulker, place in end chest, and die and spawn back in the nether spawn) Disclaimer: If you die and lose the gear before netherite is gathered, you are still required to pay the 3 netherite cost of the box (I can extend the time if needed) Pricing: Netherite Mining Box (Keep all items!): 3 Netherite Ingots (12 Ancient Debris) Additional TNT: 1 Netherite Ingot per 4 stacks of Tnt Fire Res Potions: Up to 9 extra is free