Need someone to make a team, be friend, and play together :D

Discussion in 'Players for Hire' started by Asoen, Feb 18, 2025.

  1. Hi, i'm Asoen and i'm new, and i might need help playing, i usualy play on Creative, so, i'm anoob at survival ^^" so, i'd love to have a new friend to play with and that could help me ^^
  2. Sorry for the delayed response..

    Hey there Asoen and welcome to the empire! =D I'm hoping you saw that you automatically get a residence in town. There is no hostile mobs and your animals will stay on your res without having to fence them. There are many players who would probably go out to the wastes to gather resources and help you fight mobs. You can also turn your difficulty down to 1 using the command /diff 1 or as high as /diff 10 (I would not recommend :confused:) I hope you stick around and make lots of new friends here. We're pretty friendly, so if you have questions, please ask. Say hello if you see me on and maybe we could go adventuring for a bit. =D
  3. Welcome to the empire asoen.
    Great job on hopping onto the forums, as well.
    BlockHead_56 and crystaldragon13 like this.
  4. Hey I'm new as well!

    It's a good place, but as CD said - town is safe!

    If you ever want to go resource hunting together, I'll come with you on an adventure!
  5. Welcome to EMC, Asoen and _VOCCI!