Hi. Echidy here. Im wondering what style i should make my residence ? post for some ideas. Thanks -Echidy
Cartoony is like houses built out of brightly coloured wool medieval is like a castle modern is like a massive mansion or... How about a nether theme. or maybe a mini 'the end'! Or I coukd just build a massive casino, yep thats it!
if you have ever played a sonic game many of them include casino themed city levels. I think it would look great if you took some ideas from it and Blockified it lol
yeh thats what i was thinking!, a casino tower. Guess what, a suprise is coming to my res! BlackJack!!! Parkour More Slots Any other ideas?
hmm Piston doors that fly open as the entrance activated by pressure plates and maybe a fun way to exit such as a minecart or boat ride would be cool
I'd say modern be more of a sea-side designer home or a hollywood home, possibly in ye'ol'newyork style