My Japanese inspired wellness retreat

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by Bulkinc, Jul 1, 2024.

  1. Located within the Frontier of SMP1 is my Japanese inspired wellness retreat. Here I escape the busy towns where business dealings occur and instead wind down to some Lofi beats and Japanese inspired architecture. Complete with a palatial kitchen, boasting floor to ceiling windows and a large central island with two hanging chandeliers. These features make a fantastic statement piece for entertaining guests and are the ultimate prerequisites for a minimalist space. The build also features a Zen Garden or Karesansui. This is situated across from the kitchen and allows indoor-outdoor living whilst permitting the space to feel open and safe. Finally, the bedroom. This features unobstructed views into the Karesansui, empowering natural light and air to freely flow into the room and subsequently a goodnights rest. The room is topped with a high ceiling for grandeur, a skylight for further natural light, and of course the obligatory art piece of Mount Fuji. Further additions to the build will feature an underground swimming pool, sauna, hot tub, and an art gallery. I invite you to share your favourite EMC builds below or within a new thread to collectively inspire and empower builds regardless of their scale or narrative.

    PetezzaDawg, LindenNZ, weeh and 3 others like this.
  2. Is that map art or retextured paintings?

    well done!
  3. I was lucky in that the paitning was already in my texturepack :)
    Tuqueque likes this.
  4. Awesome, I have seen several japanese builds on emc that look stunning, though I've never tried to build one. Those large windows look great! Any exterior pics?
  5. Thanks! Trying not to give the location away with exterior pics ;)