I've noticed on smp7 theirs only ONE big shop and that's BeLugh's and Dreamytje's shop. So Gobstone308 and I decided to construct a MEGA MALL! ( we felt their needed to be some enlightment on smp7 ). It will be selling EVERYTHING That can be obtainable through singlelpayer. We hope this can be a BIG success, we have stalls open for players to claim, once they claim it, Its their stall until they decide they dont want it anymore. 1k for big stalls 500r for small stalls. Our estimation on the time it will be finished is about a Month or two. Were working our butts off to try and get sandstone and money to make this possible. I hope this can be the next big thing for smp7 ( other than Justin unvailing his master piece )
Wow, we only have two walls up and its been 4 days. xD I f you wanna check it out its on smp7, 14566.