[ Mall's ] The basic item mall

Discussion in 'Business Listings' started by Marijn2552, Sep 15, 2017.


What do you think of the layout? Is everything easy to find?

Hmm, it is perfect! 1 vote(s) 33.3%
Uhm, it needs some more work! 1 vote(s) 33.3%
Mwah, I don't know. I never went to your shop to be honest... 1 vote(s) 33.3%
  1. We have two locations! One on Smp4 at 9350, and one on Smp7 at 15525!
    The mall only focuses on basic items, like wood, saplings, building blocks, farming, wool and gems. That makes it easier to stock, and it makes it easier to provide low prices!

    Feel free to pass by! You're allowed to buy and sell in bulk! And if you want to buy our items, and sell them with profits to another store go ahead! Profit is profit!

    TheKutesyKiraboo likes this.
  2. This looks lovely! 101% needed somewhere to sell more stuff to!

    Good job kid! :p
    Marijn2552 likes this.
  3. Thanks! Great to hear that :)
    TheKutesyKiraboo likes this.