List of all EMC custom items

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by jewel_king, Aug 19, 2017.


how many do you think you have?

50 or less 5 vote(s) 19.2%
50-100 6 vote(s) 23.1%
100-150 5 vote(s) 19.2%
150-200 2 vote(s) 7.7%
200+ 8 vote(s) 30.8%
  1. just decided to make a numbered list of all emc Custom items
    mostly just compiling it from the wiki and numbering and adding items that aren't on the wiki

    i was just curious how many there actually is

    1, Dragon stone fragment
    2, Dragon stone
    3 , aikar's head (banner contest)
    4, Player's cerificate
    5, community defender
    6, empire minecraft crafta award winner
    7, 2013 crafta award
    8, empire artisans pallette 2014
    9, empire artisans pallette 2015
    10, empire auther's manuscript
    11, empire builders wand 2014 (1)
    12, empire builders wand 2014 (2)
    13, empire builders wand 2015
    14, empire builders wand 2016
    15, empire cartonnist's sketchbook
    16, empire games medal diamond
    17, empire games medal gold
    18, empire games medal iron
    19, empire games medal honorary
    20, empire mechanics voltmeter
    21, empire poet's uill (key is broken missing letter)
    22, empire scoulpters block
    23, icc head: cow's canvas
    24, referrall block of clickyness iron
    25, referrall block of clickyness gold
    26, referral block of clickyness diamond
    27, love potion no, 9 original
    28, love potion no, 9 water bottle
    29, rose bouuet (key is broken missing letter)
    30, voter's block diamond
    31, voter's block redstone
    32, voter's block emerald
    33, voter's block beacon
    34, original dragon egg
    35, chicken skewer
    36, minerial mincer
    37, sharpshooter
    38, shear madness
    39, scooooba mask
    40, potato plate
    41, bionic pants
    42, bubble boots
    43, incitaus
    44, saltar
    45, valens
    46, 2013 birthday cake
    47, 2014 birthday cake
    48, 2015 birthday cake
    49, 2016 birthday cake
    50, 2017 birthday cake
    51, candy cane sword
    52, dancer
    53, dasher
    54, prancer
    55, rudolph
    56, cupid bundle
    57, cupid
    58, cupid's arrow
    59, cupid's bow unbreaking 3
    60, cupids bow infinity unbreakable
    61, declaration of independence
    62, emergency snow clearing device
    63, empire firework 4th of july 2013
    64, empire firework 4th of july 2014
    65, empire firework 4th of july 2015
    66, empire firework 5th of july 2016
    67, empire firework 4th of july 2017
    68, empire firework new years 2012
    69, empire firework new years 2013
    70, empire firework new years 2014
    71, empire firework new years 2015
    72, empire firework new years 2016
    73, independence day firework 2013
    74, independence day firework 2014
    75, independence day firework 2015
    76, independence day firework 2016
    77, independence day firework 2017
    79, freedom blade light red
    80, freedom blade dark red
    81, freedom blade do not claim
    82, freedom blade chest
    83, ham hacker
    84, haunted head 2013
    85, haunted head 2016
    86, headless horseman mask 2014
    87, headless horseman mask 2015
    88, headless horseman mask 2016
    89, holiday candle 2014
    90, holiday candle 2016
    91, holiday pick
    92, independence boots
    93, independence boots do not claim
    94, independence boots chest
    95, independence pants
    96, independence pants do not claim
    97, independence pants chest
    98, independence chest
    99, independence chest do not claim
    100, independence chest chest
    101, independence helmet
    102, independence helmet do not claim
    103, independence helmet chest
    104, independence head
    105, labor bench 2013
    106, labor bench 2014
    107, labor bench 2015
    108, labor bench 2016
    109, liberty sword
    110, lucky bow
    111, lucky rabbit's foot
    112, magical eggcellent wand
    113, maxarian head
    114, meteor bow
    115, pi pie
    116, pot of gold
    117, remembrance poppy 2014
    118, spooky egg
    119, trick or treat bundle
    120, headless horseman axe
    121, turkey slicer
    122, flamming mob launcher
    123, ore buster
    124, everlasting axestopper
    125, turfinator
    126, big daddy helmet
    127, bullet proof vest
    128, cactus pants
    129, feather falllllling bboots
    130, a piece of a pyramid
    131, aikar signature 2013
    132, aikar's head 2013 drop party
    133, icecreamcow's special eggnog
    134, promo instructions
    135, aikars head 2015 b day
    136, birthday cookie 2015
    137, birthday cookie 2016
    138, birthday cookie 2017
    139, bonus chest
    140, book of colors
    141, sara jane's warpstar
    142, white point star
    143, dragon poop
    144, super dragon poop!
    145, carrot juice
    146, chocolate bunny
    147, EMCCon 2012 icecreamcow's head
    148, feast for a king
    149, happy birthday emc!
    150, holiday message
    151, icc velentines day head
    152, icc birthday voucher
    153, hershey syrup helmet
    154, vanilla shirt
    155, strawberry pants
    156, chocolate boots
    157, icecreamcow flesh
    158, icecreamcow skin
    159, impossiball
    160, instructions blue italics
    161, maxarian shoes
    162, arena blade
    163, arena longbow
    164 sword of udder justice
    165, 2016 new years aikar head
    166, 2017 new years aikar head
    167, 2017 new years aikar signature
    168, orange krysyyjane head
    169, emcs 6th birthday!
    170, empire armor helmet
    171, empire armor chestplate
    172, empire armor leggings
    173, empire armor boots
    174, happy 6th birthday emc!
    175, horse manewwer
    176, purple aikar head 2014
    177, purple aikar head 2017
    178, purple krysyyjane head 2014
    179, purple krysyy head 2017
    180, purple people party paper
    181, purple power helmet
    182, purple power chestplate
    183, purple power leggings
    184, purple power boots
    185, purple power crystal
    186, tales of eternia
    187, pvp aikar head
    188, pvp krysyy head
    189, pvp krysyyjane9191
    190, rainbowchin pvp head
    191, remote shop sign
    192, t virus vaccine
    193, UHC golden apple
    194, valentines gift lore
    195, valentines gift no lore
    196, yellow krysyyjane head
    197, blizz ards arm
    198, blizz ards eye
    199, blizz aeds nose
    200, cooked turkey
    201, dirt destroying ticking tock original (thanks to awwhstin(i think) for reminding me of this)
    202, dirt destroying ticking tock current
    203, enraged guardian egg no lore
    204, enraged guardian egg lore
    205, enraged zombie egg no lore
    206, enraged zombie egg lore
    207, haunted candy gunpowder
    208 haunted candy spider eyes
    209 haunted candy rotten flesh
    210, haunted candy bone
    211, haunted candy enderpearl
    212, marlix's helmet
    213, marlix's armor
    214, marlix's leggings
    215, marlix's boots
    216, marlix's bow
    217, momentus's helmet
    218, momentus's toothpick
    219, netherhound egg no lore
    220, netherhound egg lore
    221, shiny arrow
    222, shiny flesh
    223, taste the freedom
    224, turkey slicer mob drop
    225, zombie virus
    226, avalaucher 2014
    227, avalaucher no year
    228, empire next steps
    229, empire assistant old
    230, empire assistant new
    231, getting started
    232, new player guide book (old orange version)
    233, second chance book
    234, starter helmet old
    235, starter helmet new
    236, starter chestplate old
    237 starter chestplate new
    238, starter leggings old
    239, starter leggings new
    240, starter boots old
    241, starter boots new
    242, starter sword old
    243, starter sword new
    244, starter pickaxe old
    245, starter pickaxe new
    246, starter axe
    247, starter shovel
    248, starter horse old
    249, starter horse new
    250, thank you certificate
    251, voters helmet
    252 voters chest
    253, voters legs
    254, voters boots
    255, voters iron sword
    256, voters iron pickaxe
    257, voters iron axe
    258, voters iron shovel
    259 voters iron hoe
    260, voters shears
    261, voters fishing rod
    262, voters bow
    263 voters diamond sword
    264 voters diamond pickaxe
    265, voters diamond axe
    266, voters diamond shovel
    267 voters diamond hoe
    268, emc treasure voucher
    269, max res upgrade
    270, permanent derelict protection
    271, stable voucher
    272, vault voucher
    273, diamond supporter voucher
    274, gold supporter voucher
    275, iron supporter voucher
    276, diamond supporter gift
    277, gold supporter gift
    278, iron supporter gift
    279, cupids bow third version? (thanks to thekloned for mentioning it)
    280, Omneoss
    281, Haunted year (no year labeled)
    282, Headless horseman mask (no year labeled)
    283, Empire Carver's Pumpkin
    284, 2017 rememberance poppy
    285, 2016 remembrance poppy
    286, 2015 remembrance poppy
    287, stuffing scooper
    288, starter hoe
    289, starter bow
    290, starter shield
    291, new player guide (new lime green version)
    292, Voter banner 200 streak
    293, Voter banner 300 streak
    294, Voter banner 400 streak
    295, Voter banner 500 streak
    296, Voter banner 600 streak
    297, Voter banner 700 streak
    298, Voter banner 800 streak
    299, Voter banner 900 streak
    300, Voter banner 1000 streak
    301, Voter banner 1100 streak
    302, Voter banner 1200 streak
    303, Voter banner 1300 streak
    304, Voter banner 1400 streak
    305, Voter banner 1500 streak
    306, Voter banner 1600 streak
    307, Voter banner 1700 streak
    308, Empire Waffle
    309, Half-Mill grill
    310, 500K Mile Boots
    311, Pizza Hut 500K Special Pick
    312, 500K Acre Hoe
    313, Fahrenheit 500K Blade
    314, 500K Golden Spoon
    315, Indy 500K Hot Rod
    316, 5-Double-'O'K Bow
    317, Santa's Magic Bag
    318, Vixen
    319, Holiday Axe
    320, empire firework new years 2017

    no wiki page for these items some maybe mentioned but don't have a page
    1, treasure slip
    2, incitaus donkey(Thanks to mman for putting this in there museum)
    3, starter donkey (thanks to thekloned)
    4, rudolph donkey (dont know if the person i saw had this would want there name here or not but thanks to them)
    5, eggses (renamed brown wool non italic name)
    6, kjeis (renamed brown wool non italic name) (thanks to the person who showed me this :D)
    7, Zoidberg (renamed ocelot egg non italic name) (thanks to the person who has this on display)

    Items Only Available to staff right now
    1, Unenchanted Empire Waffle
    2, nameless Voter Helmet
    3, nameless Voter Chestplate
    4, nameless Voter Leggings
    5, nameless Voter Boots
    6, Elfin porkchops
  2. I have 200 different custom items. If you include staff heads & mob heads not available in vanilla, then closer to 250 items.

    (btw dat list.. creates feeels.)

    Edit: Wait is this your list of acquired items or a general list lol

    1, Dragon stone fragment
    2, Dragon stone
    24, referrall block of clickyness iron
    25, referrall block of clickyness gold
    27, love potion no, 9 original
    28, love potion no, 9 water bottle
    35, chicken skewer
    36, minerial mincer
    37, sharpshooter
    38, shear madness
    39, scooooba mask
    40, potato plate
    41, bionic pants
    42, bubble boots
    43, incitaus
    44, saltar
    45, valens
    47, 2014 birthday cake
    48, 2015 birthday cake
    49, 2016 birthday cake
    50, 2017 birthday cake
    51, candy cane sword
    52, dancer
    53, dasher
    54, prancer
    55, rudolph
    56, cupid bundle
    57, cupid
    58, cupid's arrow
    59, cupid's bow unbreaking 3
    60, cupids bow infinity unbreakable
    60b - There is a 3rd version that I have :D
    61, declaration of independence
    62, emergency snow clearing device
    63, empire firework 4th of july 2013
    64, empire firework 4th of july 2014
    65, empire firework 4th of july 2015
    66, empire firework 5th of july 2016
    67, empire firework 4th of july 2017
    68, empire firework new years 2012
    69, empire firework new years 2013
    70, empire firework new years 2014
    71, empire firework new years 2015
    72, empire firework new years 2016
    73, independence day firework 2013
    74, independence day firework 2014
    75, independence day firework 2015
    76, independence day firework 2016
    77, independence day firework 2017
    79, freedom blade light red
    80, freedom blade dark red
    81, freedom blade do not claim
    82, freedom blade chest
    83, ham hacker
    84, haunted head 2013
    85, haunted head 2016
    86, headless horseman mask 2014
    87, headless horseman mask 2015
    88, headless horseman mask 2016
    89, holiday candle 2014
    90, holiday candle 2016
    91, holiday pick
    92, independence boots
    93, independence boots do not claim
    94, independence boots chest
    95, independence pants
    97, independence pants chest
    98, independence chest
    99, independence chest do not claim
    100, independence chest chest
    101, independence helmet
    102, independence helmet do not claim
    103, independence helmet chest
    104, independence head
    105, labor bench 2013
    106, labor bench 2014
    107, labor bench 2015
    108, labor bench 2016
    109, liberty sword
    110, lucky bow
    111, lucky rabbit's foot
    112, magical eggcellent wand
    113, maxarian head
    114, meteor bow
    115, pi pie
    116, pot of gold
    117, remembrance poppy
    118, spooky egg
    119, trick or treat bundle
    120, headless horseman axe
    121, turkey slicer
    122, flamming mob launcher
    123, ore buster
    124, everlasting axestopper
    125, turfinator
    126, big daddy helmet
    127, bullet proof vest
    128, cactus pants
    129, feather falllllling bboots
    132, aikar's head 2013 drop party
    133, icecreamcow's special eggnog
    134, promo instructions
    135, aikars head 2015 b day
    136, birthday cookie 2015
    137, birthday cookie 2016
    138, birthday cookie 2017
    139, bonus chest
    140, book of colors
    143, dragon poop
    144, super dragon poop!
    145, carrot juice
    146, chocolate bunny
    148, feast for a king
    149, happy birthday emc!
    150, holiday message
    151, icc velentines day head
    152, icc birthday voucher
    157, icecreamcow flesh
    158, icecreamcow skin
    163, arena longbow
    165, 2016 new years aikar head
    166, 2017 new years aikar head
    167, 2017 new years aikar signature
    168, orange krysyyjane head
    169, emcs 6th birthday!
    174, happy 6th birthday emc!
    176, purple aikar head 2014
    177, purple aikar head 2017
    185, purple power crystal
    186, tales of eternia
    188, pvp krysyy head
    189, pvp krysyyjane9191
    190, rainbowchin pvp head
    191, remote shop sign
    192, t virus vaccine
    193, UHC golden apple
    194, valentines gift lore
    195, valentines gift no lore
    197, blizz ards arm
    198, blizz ards eye
    199, blizz aeds nose
    200, cooked turkey
    202, dirt destroying ticking tock current
    203, enraged guardian egg no lore
    204, enraged guardian egg lore
    205, enraged zombie egg no lore
    206, enraged zombie egg lore
    207, haunted candy gunpowder
    208 haunted candy spider eyes
    209 haunted candy rotten flesh
    210, haunted candy bone
    211, haunted candy enderpearl
    212, marlix's helmet
    213, marlix's armor
    214, marlix's leggings
    215, marlix's boots
    216, marlix's bow
    217, momentus's helmet
    218, momentus's toothpick
    219, netherhound egg no lore
    221, shiny arrow
    222, shiny flesh
    223, taste the freedom
    224, turkey slicer mob drop
    225, zombie virus
    226, avalaucher 2014
    227, avalaucher no year
    228, empire next steps
    230, empire assistant new
    231, getting started
    232, new player guide book
    233, second chance book (new and old one)
    234, starter helmet old
    235, starter helmet new
    236, starter chestplate old
    237 starter chestplate new
    238, starter leggings old
    239, starter leggings new
    240, starter boots old
    241, starter boots new
    242, starter sword old
    243, starter sword new
    244, starter pickaxe old
    245, starter pickaxe new
    246, starter axe
    247, starter shovel
    248, starter horse old
    249, starter horse new
    249b, starter horse donkey
    250, thank you certificate
    251, voters helmet
    252 voters chest
    253, voters legs
    254, voters boots
    255, voters iron sword
    256, voters iron pickaxe
    257, voters iron axe
    258, voters iron shovel
    259 voters iron hoe
    260, voters shears
    261, voters fishing rod
    262, voters bow
    263 voters diamond sword
    264 voters diamond pickaxe
    265, voters diamond axe
    266, voters diamond shovel
    267 voters diamond hoe
    268, emc treasure voucher
    271, stable voucher
    272, vault voucher
    273, diamond supporter voucher
    274, gold supporter voucher
    275, iron supporter voucher
    276, diamond supporter gift
    luckycordel likes this.
  3. lol its a general list not items i have :p

    year forgot the 3rd cupid bow starter donkey il add a extra few lines for the donkey promo horses

    as for the old second chance book as far as im aware its just a book no colors lore or anything so not sure weather too add that

    impressive collection you have there
    edit: forgot to mention i wasnt really planning on adding heads or staff heads that dont have colored names lore or other things on them
  4. care to inform me of just what that is? To my knowledge none exist that weren't correct...

    edit: Yeah, that item is not supposed to exist. It's from a bug that someone evidently didn't turn their item in to be corrected...Sorry guys/gals, but that's not in existence anymore.
  5. Sorry il remove it i just looked the egg he had is no longer the wrong color
  6. may i ask what color it was?
  7. White, a glitch with vaults during 1.11 broke them I think.
    Zion_Moyer likes this.
  8. bump Finally got around to updating this please let me know if i forgot anything

    edit: added items only avalable to staff
  9. That's kind of impossible to put into a list. Senior staff have the ability to make whatever they want (with a few exceptions). They just can't hand it out without prior approval.
  10. 1- was from a treasure chest hunt I believe, hosted by Aikar where players searched the wild for the chests, pretty sure it's on the wiki somewhere.
    2-4 - any promo horse generally had the ability to be a donkey before we changed it to where we started specifying if necessary, doesn't make them a separate wiki page.

    5-7 - all are glitch items and not eligible for notation of a rarity, as the glitched horse egg I previously mentioned was. There have been glitches in the past that made the italics disappear on items renamed, even by normal players at one point. These hold no value due to this issue and are completely untraceable unless a player wishes to tell you it exists. I'm sure there are many odd renamed items out there in chests long forgotten about.
  11. The two different renamed wool are from the 2016 birthday cake event where players "ate" cake. They are the renamed wool with codes that were Messaged to chat recieive a prize. The ocelot egg named zoidberg is from creature capture. Thatswhat I know about these items
  12. Yes the treasure slip is metion on the emc treasure vouchers page :p

    I didnt mean these items had to be added i just wanted to make a list for anyone who was curious
  13. Neither situation non-italics were intended to be used, so whatever made them be non-italic is a glitch. Zoidberg is my cat and I distinctly remember making those italic...

    My statement, as the previous one, was to alert players that may be reading this that these items hold no value and are not official custom items of EMC. This is to protect the players from paying more for the item is at face value, a piece of wool or an ocelot egg, that may one day have that glitch reversed on their items. The items are not guaranteed to stay the way they are.
    crafter31211 and luckycordel like this.
  14. Ok thank you :)
  15. I have 157 of these, I believe. I’ll have to double check when I next get online.

    I’m not sure because the list was very long, but I think you missed the two birthday cookies. Not sure, though.

    EDIT: nope, you didn’t miss it.