Kind of a late introduction but still.

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by SgtStutta45, Apr 6, 2014.

  1. Hello all I'm SgtStutta45(as you can see [^-^] ) and I'm about 6 days in. I have done quite a bit within those days though and I'm happy to also put a plug in for my shop :p. I have enjoyed my days on here and the community has been great, so thank you all for welcoming me and helping me through my really nooby days. I also hope to become a part of the community more and more so if I can ever offer help, just ask!
  2. Welcome!
    SgtStutta45 likes this.
  3. Not late compared to others! Welcome!
    SgtStutta45 likes this.
  4. Welcome to the Empire!
    SgtStutta45 likes this.
  5. Six days isn't late, it took me sixty. :p
    Anyway, welcome to the Empire, hope to see you in game!
    PM me anytime, I'm glad to chat.
    SgtStutta45 likes this.