Just In Case...

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by skyrimed, Feb 7, 2016.

  1. While browsing on the internet, you may have come across something that made you laugh (or at least sharply exhale through your nose because you've lost the motivation to actually giggle). For a few short moments your brain went on with the fantasy that you could use such a funny picture for something that could happen. You would win Nobel peace prizes for delivering a punchline at the right time.
    So you decide to save the picture, whatever it may be, for later. Just in case...
    It's been three years since you saved that picture Janet! Not once came the opportunity to use it! Until now.

    Welcome to the crappost thread of images you hoarded "just in case", by yours truly...
    I'm going on a full 48 hours without sleep and I'm losing my grip on reality right now, so listen to me carefully: You now have a reason to use that funny satirical E Card, so use it in this thread! You finally get to post the picture!
    You get bonus points if you make up a scenario in which you would need the picture. Just be happy that after posting a reaction image you've been sitting on for a while you are finally relieved of the burden! Enjoy!
    (I am so osrry I can' tell whats real right now lololo)