Into the Wastelands Part 1

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by DiamondKing2024, Mar 29, 2017.


Do you think our rules should be more lax? If you're a genius, then probably so!

Poll closed Apr 19, 2017.
Of course they should be. The banhammer is too strict. 1 vote(s) 33.3%
I don't know, I'm just gonna say yes because I can. I'm staff, you know. 0 vote(s) 0.0%
I don't know, probably not, I'm gonna say 50-50. I'm new here, so... yeah. 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Probably not. I have been known for neutrality. 2 vote(s) 66.7%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. King and his friend Cactus were building Woodie World. The mansion was incomplete, so they had to continue building. They were working on the second floor when King stopped and asked,
    "You know, Cactus, we should venture to the wastelands."
    "You're right, King."
    And so, they brought Kiku, TBird, and Zoee and each typed the command /waste. When they were there, they noticed there was a full moon, so the land was abundant with monsters.

    What do you think they will do next? Find out tomorrow! ;)
  2. Whoever reads this probably ought to vote.
  3. And you have to cast the vote to read the story. Or you can vice versa.