I'm back (ama?)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by ocelot3101, Feb 13, 2019.

  1. So I probably should have done this a while back (it’s been almost a year since I was unbanned) but better late than never. I’m 14 now. I was 13 when I was unbanned. I previously went by the username kitten3101 - some people might remember me, most won’t. I was 8 when I joined and was first banned. I was 9 when I came back and, uh, did quite a bit, 10 when I was banned for a second time, and 11 when I was banned from the forum.

    I’d say I don’t really want to talk about my past, but I suppose that’s not true. It’s just painful for me to look at my old posts. To give you a basic idea, let’s just say I cared very little about others, acted in an obnoxious and often abusive manner almost constantly, and ignored good advice on changing my behaviour from well-meaning people.

    I was a deeply unpleasant person and I apologise for my behaviour. I’d like to think I’ve changed a lot since then. Though if anything I’ve become a lot more political(ly aware).

    I’m writing this at 3 a.m. and I don’t really know what else to say. A few other people seem to have done this, so, ask me anything?
  2. Heya!

    What do you consider the most important thing you have learned in the last year? :) Also, what is your favorite animal?
    ocelot3101 likes this.
  3. That things will get better.

    I don't really have a favourite animal, but I'll go with cats.
    MoreMoople likes this.
  4. Welcome back and i think i speak on behalf of all that we hope you have a long and fun stay this time around. Hope you integrate into this awesome community.
    MoreMoople likes this.
  5. Glad to have you back! :) Do you like ice cream? And if so, what is your favorite flavor!?
    MoreMoople likes this.
  6. Hey, a new name that old people might recognize! (not me lol)

    Glad to see your back here with a strong and positive attitude differing from what you (apparently) were like back then!
    I hope you find EMC more enjoyable than ever! :D

    Here's a question:
    Pineapple on pizza?
  7. Glad to see your back on EMC! Have any questions, or need help with anything let me know! :)

    What is your favorite hobby (besides minecraft)?

    What is your favorite subject?

    What is your favorite color?
  8. Glad to see you back, and that you're trying to be positive. :)

    My question...what kind of advanced education track are you on, to have been posting with adult level grammar, vocabulary and punctuation at age 10 and younger?
    MoreMoople likes this.
  9. Glad to see you back, I remember your name! It always impresses me when people are able to admit mistakes and grow from them. I hope to see you around!
  10. Hello, welcome back! And I question I have to ask you...l drumroll please... DO YOU LIKE WAFFLES? I’m desperate to know :p
  11. Yes, and it's a tie between Battenberg and chocolate.

    Never tried it.

    Worldbuilding. I used to do railway modelling, but since I moved house...


    Light blue.

    Yes. I tried them for the first time last year.

    I mean, "adult level grammar, vocabulary and punctuation" is... I personally wouldn't describe my posts as being at that level. I suppose you could say I was on some sort of advanced education track, but that fell off a cliff when I decided that I was one of the smartest people in the world and obviously I would be #1 forever and therefore I didn't actually need to put any effort into anything.